Wednesday, December 10, 2008

acad. mode.! ^.^

right now, i am
[spell i really am.!?]
thinking of new teaching strategies for my literature class..

and it seems like [obviously] i'm running out of new ideas..

argg.. [again.!]

i sound traditional here..

[[i hear mam vicky saying "that's too traditinal alpha.."]]

Saturday, November 15, 2008

angela's ashes..

Have you tried reading a book?
Then you feel the need to cry as if sharing with the character's misfortune?
As if you were in the story?
As if they were you?

If you haven't, try this one..


and read how a child sees these:

the limitations imposed by social class...
going beyond the beyonds..

Monday, October 27, 2008

all the world's a stage..

And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.


COE bagged five awards (oh well, that means all awards..) in the recently held One Act Play Competition at Gordon College.. [PJ-Best Lead Performer, Michael-Best Supporting Actor, Best Set Design, Best Director and the most prestige of all. Best Play.!] *wahoo.. applause! applause! fireworks.! fireworks.! boom.!!*

Congratulations folks.! Great performance.!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

that bUs trip..

bUs trip..

i cant remember how and why.,

but that midnoon, i found mysElf riding that bus..

that cozy bus.. that bus.. oh man, the bus..

you may ask, what's with that bus trip?

you may not understand these feelings that dwell within me right now..
but well, i dont care.. what matters is that i do..

yes, i perfectly understand this crazy feeling..
call it insanity..
call it craziness..
call it whatever you want..
for in the end, it will be between i and myself..

myself and i..

i and that bus trip..

and all the tiny details that go with that bus trip..